Houseware | Outdoor | Leisure

Looking for effective and efficient solutions for household, outdoor, and leisure products? We have the expertise. Whether it’s the right colour, workability, and/or environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions, we have just the right products. 

Houseware | Outdoor | Leisure

Every day, you encounter products in and around the house and in outdoor and indoor facilities that incorporate our masterbatches. We provide colours and additives suitable for any application, such as weather-resistant colours or anti-UV additives, always in accordance with the latest regulations (Food Contact, toy directives, packaging standards, etc.). 


Our perception of the world around us is predominantly inspired by colour. Today, we are using more and more plastic materials in an increasing number of products and in as many different colours. In addition to our broad range of products, we develop masterbatches to meet the precise requirements of our clients application. 


Acting on fast changes in customer needs, manufacturers want to be able to anticipate when it comes to the raw materials they purchase and use for design, colour and additional properties in this dynamic industry.

All your documents in 1 place

Through your personalized W&R portal, you have 24/7 access to the following current technical documents that you can view or download:

Technical Datasheets
Material Safety Datasheets
Food Contact Statements 

REACH/SVHC Declarations
